University of the Fraser Valley – EndoTherm® Measurement and Verification Results

The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) is committed to reduction its impact on climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With 98% of electricity coming from renewable sources in British Columbia their focus has been on reducing our natural gas consumption. 95% of UFV’s natural gas consumption comes from the use of hydronic space heating boiler systems. The University’s challenge was finding affordable ways to improve boiler energy consumption while avoiding major retrofits and downtime.
In early 2018, Pace Solutions injected the hydronic additive, EndoTherm, into the boiler system of nine campus buildings. The boiler systems continued to run during the injection process and no additional equipment was required. UFV recorded a 12.91 percent reduction in natural gas usage and associated greenhouse gas emissions compared to the pre-EndoTherm baseline. Annual natural gas demand was reduced by 3,488 gigajoules resulting in a 175,400 KG reduction in annual CO2 emissions which is the equivalent annual emissions of 35 passenger vehicles.
EndoTherm was installed into our Abbotsford and Chilliwack campus buildings in early 2018. As a result, we’ve seen a significant reduction in our natural gas consumption and associated carbon emissions. We’re pleased with our expected 18 month return on investment.
Blair MacFarlane
Energy Manager, Facilities and Projects Management
University of the Fraser Valley
The University of the Fraser Valley study formed 1 of 25 other EndoTherm measurement and verification projects in British Columbia which were independently reviewed by FortisBC for part of their Gas Technology Demonstration Program. The results were evaluated by several independent consultants before submission to the BC Utility Commission. Due to the significant energy savings found in all case studies, FortisBC created a new rebate category for “Hydronic Additives” under the HVAC Controls section of their commercial and multi-unit residential rebate program. EndoTherm is the first and only approved additive under this newly formed category, with FortisBC offering a $200 per gallon rebate for all eligible FortisBC clients who install EndoTherm.
Pace offers a no charge evaluation to calculate your buildings projected savings with EndoTherm.
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