High-Rise Commercial Buildings Save Energy with EndoTherm

Concert Properties & Bentall Green Oak
British Columbia & Ontario, Canada (5 Sites)
This case study is an overview of a number of pilot projects run by Concert Properties between 2018 and 2023. This includes 3 sites run in partnership with Bentall Green Oak in Vancouver, BC.

Measurement And Verification Protocols
The M&V will focus on 3 sets of analysis; 1190 Hornby (pre-COVID), 1130 W Pender and 1100 Melville.
Historical natural gas bills were collected for 2-3 years prior to EndoTherm dosage. Variances in baseline were identified to select a time period most suitable for comparison. This included operational / set-point changes as a result of COVID-19. Consumption data was normalized using Heating Degree Days (HDD) from Vancouver Airport (CYVR) at a base-load of 18.5°C.
From this baseline data, a trend-line (in the form y = mx + c) of the historical performance can be used to predict consumption during the post-install period. The performance of EndoTherm can be calculated as the difference between this predicted consumption and the recorded consumption from the monthly billing data.
For the three chosen trend-lines, the baselines have a strong Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient above 0.95. This shows a high level of confidence that consumption is driven by external temperature and HDD should be used in the comparison methodology.


The analysis for the 5 sites was carried out for the most suitable time period available. This includes:
1190 Hornby: Run until COVID-19 and subsequent BAS/Occupancy control changes.
1130 Pender: Run for 2 years.
1100 Melville: Run for 2 years. 3 Months removed between Nov 2021 and Jan 2022 due to confirmed set point change.
1140 W Pender: Run for 1 year.
One32: Run for 1 year. Investigation identified an increase in post-install occupancy vs the baseline which would increase space heating and DHW demand. Secondary analysis using a shorter baseline with similar occupancy shows savings above 10%.
The five sites show an average saving of 8.95% in total gas consumption which is 11.34% once a base-load has been removed.
Based on suitable unit prices for the periods in question; the pilots saved $40,591 which means the cost of the 5 site project has been offset within the pilot period.