BC Interior Health Tests EndoTherm At 3 Locations

The performance of EndoTherm was piloted by Interior Health, a regional health authority serving the southern interior region of British Columbia, Canada.

The energy management team at Interior Health decided to pilot EndoTherm at three locations that had daily actual meter reading data to provide the best data for the measurement & verification process. This included:

The installs of the hydronic additive also qualified for a $3,600 rebate from FortisBC. System volumes were identified by the incumbent water treatment provider through an on-site tracer test.
The analysis methodology takes guidance from IPMVP (Option C). A baseline for each site was created using daily natural gas consumption data stretching back to 2018-2020 dependent on the site. Variations in the baseline due to occupancy / operational changes (and COVID-19 impacts) were taken into consideration in choosing the correct baseline.
A baseload (gas consumption not linked with space heating) was identified using the summer load for each site. A predicted value for each day in the post-install period (compiled from the trend-line for the baseline data) was compared against the recorded consumption value.
All sites were monitored up to the end of May 2022.

Health Centre

Over the pilot period, the buildings showed an average improvement of 8.99% of natural gas compared to their baseline. Removing the DHW baseload this is a recorded saving of 11.99% of the space heating system.
The pilot saved 604.13GJ which is a $6,041 saving based on $10/GJ (including federal carbon tax) with an expected ROI of around 12 months.
A reduction in natural gas consumption is also a reduction in GHG emissions. A saving of 604.13GJ is equivalent to 30,300kg of CO2e.
This is equivalent to the following: